2011 SRFB Projects Selected for WRIA 62
August 01, 2011
On July 20th the Technical and Citizen Advisory Groups met to determine which projects would be selected for 2011 SRFB funding for WRIA 62. Of the 5 projects proposed, 3 were selected to move forward ind the submission process for funding. The projects are:
- Middle Branch LeClerc Creek Restoration Phase II: obliterating several miles of riparian road on Middle Branch LeClerc Creek, removing several culvert barriers, and building a new access road out of the floodplain.
- Pend Oreille Barrier Assessment and Prioritization: surveying the extensive culverts and bridges in the Colville National Forest to determine which are barriers to fish passage, then prioritizing these and the other barriers identified in previous surveys for removal and/or replacement.
- Indian Creek Fish Passage Design: surveying and designing a new fish-friendly road crossing structure at the LeClerc Road South crossing over Indian Creek, which has been determined to be a barrier to upstream migration of fish in a priority watershed.
This is the outcome of a years worth of work to determine the priority projects for 2011 SRFB funding in our area. We anticipate receiving approximately $360,000 from the SRFB for these projects and combined with sponsor match, we will be investing $730,450 in actual habitat restoration and information leading to restoration for native salmonid habitat in the Pend Oreille Watershed.